Colombia- Excelso Washed


Cupping Notes-

Rich tobacco, sweet citrus, smooth finish

Growing Altitude—1520-1650M
Arabica Variety—Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai
Harvest Period—October-February
Milling Process—Fully Washed



Colombia is the third largest coffee producer behind Brazil and Vietnam, and produces the largest amount of Arabica beans in the world. Average annual production is over 11.5 million bags. Early records show that coffee had reached Colombia by the late 1700’s. By the second half of the 19th century, it was being exported to the United States and Europe. When international coffee prices dropped, many large farms were forced to stop production, and coffee production in Colombia stalled. As a result, many smaller farms were able to introduce coffee plants and small growers became the dominant force behind the country’s coffee production.

Huila Excelso

Colombia Huila Excelso comes from a group of small farms that are, on average, about 2 hectares in size each. These farms are Rainforest Alliance (RFA) certified, one of the most demanding seals of sustainability. They focus on sustainability, biodiversity, harmony with the land on which they plant, and their certification ensures each crop can be traced back to its original farmer and farmers have control over how their coffee is handled, sorted, and processed. They are very traditional in their processing methods; farmers use manual hand-crank machines do de-pulp, and dry the pulped coffee on raised beds. Raised beds are beneficial because they provide air circulation that allows the coffee to dry evenly.

Our Huila Excelso Colombia has notes of rich tobacco, sweet citrus, and a smooth finish.

Additional information

Weight 5.5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 12 in
Grind options

Ground-Cone Filter, Ground-Espresso, Ground-Flat Bottom Filter, Ground-French Press, Whole Bean

Pack Size

5 Pound Bag


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